Nanyang Shipwreck (1380s)

Nanyang Shipwreck Plate

The Nanyang shipwreck, located in Malaysian Territorial Water was found ten miles from Tiomo island. The construction details noted thus far, which include transversal bulkheads joined with wooden dowels, indicate a South China Sea type ship. The length of the vessel appears to be 18 meters and the beam 5 meters and it may have carried as much as 10,000 pieces of pottery, primarily celadon from the Sisatchanalai kilns, many of them showing scars from the use of spur discs. The ship may date from the decade just after the end of Zheng He’s voyages.

The Silk Roads on the Map


flag ماليزيا
عاصمة: كوالا لمبور
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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