Phu Quoc/Hon Dam (14th or early 15th Century)

Phu Quoc Cargo

The Phu Quoc Wreck is that of a Thai ship of the 14th or early 15th century. It was found by Vietnamese fishermen off the island of Phu Quoc on the west coast of Vietnam, and partially looted before it came to the attention of the Vietnam Salvage Corporation (Visal) and became an object of commercial exploitation.

The compartmentalised hull was found to be in excellent condition. Unfortunately the cargo of Thai ceramics had suffered major damage during the wrecking process and through looting.

Some 1,100 intact Sawankhalok ceramic items were recovered during the survey, consisting mostly of bowls and small jars. Several thousand more pieces were later recovered by Visal.

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flag فيتنام
عاصمة: Hanoï
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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