Hoi An/Cu Lao Cham (15th century)


From May 1997 to July 1999, the wreck in the sea of Cu Lao Cham Island (Hoi An – Quang  Nam  province)  was  surveyed  and  salvaged.  The wreck was 70-72m deep. The excavation showed tracks of a wreck of 29.4m and 7.2m wide with 19 berth and spaces. The wood of wreck hull was fairly good. Some tenons on certain bulkhead beams were still quite firm. 

Over two hundred thousand artifacts were commercially recovered from the wreck, to go on sale. Most of them were made in Chu Dau – Hai Duong province – Vietnam in the 15th Century.

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عاصمة: Hanoï
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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