The Royal Nanhai Shipwreck (1460)

The Royal Nanhai Shipwreck plate (

This wreck was discovered at a depth of 46 meters, 40 nautical miles offshore from Kuantan, West Malaysia.The vessel appears to be 28m long and 7m wide, and is of a typical South China Sea design. This type of vessel, a hybrid that combines Chinese and Southeast Asian elements, has hull planks joined by wooden dowels, and transversal bulkheads. Its cargo includes more than 21,000 ceramics, most of which were Sawankhalok celadon, along with Singburi storage jars and some Chinese brown ware. Four Chinese blue and white bowels and two Vietnamese blue and white covered boxes were found hidden below floor boards. The cargo also included iron and tin.

The Silk Roads on the Map


flag ماليزيا
عاصمة: كوالا لمبور
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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برنامج اليونسكو لطرق الحرير

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