Not one, but four Silk Roads from China to Europe, and also to Mexico

It is no coincidence that Venice is emblematic of the profound enrichment, interweaving and diversity of cultures, science, philosophies, religions and art that The Silk Route wove together along its course. Other silk routes acted as arteries for change too, including an overland silk route that linked the Orient to the Occident. This route is famous for tales – whether true or false – of famous individuals, including Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ, Marco Polo, travelling on it to spread their influence. The route also enabled a phalanx of Roman soldiers to settle in China, Islam to travel east, and Buddhism to spread throughout Asia. A third route – from Sichuan to southern India – enabled Chinese silks to be traded in India, and Boddhidharma, who was of Persian origins, to travel north to China. A fourth route – from Quanzhou to the Philippines – enabled Chinese silk to then travel as far as Mexico. 

معلومات ذات صله

  • المؤلفون:
    Han Suyin
    200 AD – 1990 BC
    لغة المقال:

    Al-Sind and Arab Seafaring: Culture, commerce and Urbanization. 29-30 November, 1990. Karachi, Pakistan.

    China, India, Italy, Philippines

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