Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum

Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum preserves, displays and researches Nanhai No.1, the ancient shipwreck of Song Dynasty, with visitors being able to observe the ongoing excavation of the ship. It is the largest museum of underwater archaeology in China. With a total floor space of 12.288 square meters and the building area of 19.409 square meters, it is one of the highest priority projects of Guangdong Province.

The museum entails five interlinked ellipsoid-shaped structures retainingsilk-bundles. The interior retainsthe structure of the keel of a ship.

There are eight exhibition halls in the museum.

The Silk Roads on the Map


flag الصين
عاصمة: Beijing
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

تم إعداد هذا البرنامج وتنفيذه بدعم من

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مقر منظمة اليونسكو الدولية

قطاع العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية

قسم البحوث وسياسات التخطيط المستقبلية

برنامج اليونسكو لطرق الحرير

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris


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