
© J. Sharfman, Kenya archaeology training

The Ngomeni shipwreck is located close to the Kenyan shore, in shallow water in Ras Ngomeni, within the Kilifi county close to Malindi. The shipwreck has been identified as a Portuguese vessel which sank in the 15th or 16 centuries, at a time where the Portuguese controlled the Western Indian Ocean trade.

Most of its major components are still intact, with large timber planks that attest to the big size of the ship. Materials and artifacts found on the site include stone cannon balls, parts of stone anchors, lead plates and straps, copper ingots, Islamic green and black glazed pottery, wooden buckets, animal horn and ivory, iron nails. After having conducted surveys and analysis the authorities have chosen an in-situ preservation with the idea of creating the first underwater museum in Kenya on the site.


flag كينيا
عاصمة: نيروبي
Region: إفريقيا

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