Sadana Island Ship

Located in 1994 during a shipwreck survey conducted by an INA-Egypt/Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) team, the site of the Sadana Island’s shipwreck was first documented, then excavated in 1995. The shipwreck lies at a depth of 28 to 40 m, on Egypt’s eastern Red Sea coastline. Artefacts, anchors and ship’s timbers were found, with the vessel’s cargo including Chinese porcelain intended for the Middle Eastern market. More than 1000 kullal (small clay water vessels), large storage jars of at least two types, copper wares and organic products such as coconuts, coffee, peppercorns and some aromatic resin were also discovered on the site.

During the first nine weeks of excavation, more than 300 porcelain artefacts were found on the shipwreck, which date to the 18th century. It provides remarkable evidence for trade at this time, with ships known to offload at Jiddah in Saudi Arabia or Quseir, a major entreprot on Egypt’s coast.


flag مصر
عاصمة: القاهرة
Region: الدول العربية

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برنامج اليونسكو لطرق الحرير

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