Central Asia – Transcaucasia – Rome: the significance of the Amu Darya water route via the Caspian Sea to Transcaucasia.

The development of the water ways of the Silk Roads across the Caspian Sea depended on the flood cycle of Amu Darya River. There are some hypotheses in Uzbek and Russian researchers’ studies. Historical literature pays little attention to the study of water ways along the Silk Roads. Some significant researches believe on existence of a water way between Central Asia and European continent. The water way changes were studying in relation of geographical and natural context. There are ancient historians who prove the information about the sea trade route across the Caspian Sea. The historical connection between Central Asia, Transcaucasia is an important issue for modern understanding of the history of Silk Routes.

معلومات ذات صله

  • المؤلفون:
    Alimova Dilorom, Rtveladze Edward, Abdurasulov Ulfat
    1st millennium BC – 1st millennium AD
    لغة المقال:

    Strabo route as a part of the Great Silk Roads, Proceeding of the International conference in Baku, November 28-29, 2008 and Samarkand-Tashkent-2009.

    Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

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