Mui Ca Mau

The proposed Mui Ca Mau Biosphere Reserve has an area of 369,675 ha with 170,321 people living there. There are three core zones encompassing the stricly protected core zones of Mui Ca Mau National Park, U Minh Ha National Park and the coastal protected forests in Ca Mau Western. They are typical ecosystems that meet the UNESCO’s criterion such as example mangrove forest ecosystem, peat wetland ecosystem, marine ecosystem, etc.

Mui Ca Mau’s wetland was listed in Recommendation of National Marine Priority by Ministry of Aquiculture in 2005. It was also listed to nominate as coastal Ramsar site in 2006.

In 31/05/2007, Vietnamese Prime Minister approved the “National Action Plan for Biodiversity to 2010 and Strategy to Implement Biodiversity Convention to 2020”, inside, Mui Ca Mau is one of critical sites for conservation, development and sustainable use of biodiversity in Vietnam. Read more about this reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.


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