Cu Lao Cham - Hoi An

The topographical formations of maritime-marsh origin lie to the east of the township of Hoi An, in the villages of Cam Chau, Cam An, and Cam Thanh and with a stretch along the coast south of the Thu Bon River running past Trung Phuong (Duy Xuyen district). The most typical are the deposits at Cam Chau, with a maximum height of 0.8- 1.2 m and sediment of black mud due to the presence of organic matter. They are, in essence, of ancient seas, and after the sea receded, they remained as swamps and marshes and have been filled up gradually. They are approximately 2000 years old.

There are the two core areas, long-term and concentrative conservation are strongly focusing on land/seascape diversity in order to conserve the ecosystems, habitats, species and genetic resources, and to preserve the intactness of the ecosystems, the wild areas from the upset made by people. The corridor between two core areas is considered as the ecological buffer and transition areas linking the River mouth (Cua Dai) and the archipelago outside. This zone contributes a lot to recover the marine ecosystems in the whole area. Read more about this reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

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عاصمة: Hanoï
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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