
The Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve is situated in the western Tien Shan Mountains on the southern spurs of the Chatkal Range in the west of Kyrgyzstan.

The main part of the area comprises a high mountain basin protected to the north, west and east by mountain ridges. The mountain lake Sary-Chelek is situated at about 2,000 meters above sea level, with an area of 470 hectares and a depth of 245 meters.

Due to the protection by the surrounding mountain ranges, winters are relatively mild and rich in snow, and summers are warm and wet. Read more about this biosphere reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

© Profile picture: Evgeni Zotov

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عاصمة: بيشكيك
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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