Results announcement of the 4th edition of the "Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads" photo contest

© China World Peace Foundation

The results of the 2022 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads international photo contest will be announced in Beijing, China, 21 September, on the occasion of the 9th Peace Garden Peace Festival, as part of International Day of Peace, in partnership with the China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) and the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation (BJIPCF). This event will bring together ambassadors in China, representatives of UNESCO, and guests from different fields.  

The Peace Garden Peace Festival has been organized by the China World Peace Foundation and the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation in close collaboration with UNESCO Beijing since 2014. Moreover the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation has become an official partner of UNESCO in 2022, this partnership will reinforce the cooperation between the Foundation and UNESCO for more fruitful outcomes in peace-building and sustainable development.

This year’s celebration of World Peace Day will focus on the themes of “Shared heritage, Shared value, Shared future of Peace and Sustainable Development”. As well as promoting the projects undertaken within the Silk Roads Programme, the event aims to mobilize people from different cultural backgrounds to participate actively in the peace-building process.   

Part of the schedule of the event will be dedicated to the results of this year’s Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads photo contest and to the exhibition of the 60 best photos of the contest. The announcement will include video projections from the winners and jury members as well as speeches delivered by representatives of the contest.


To follow the event online, please click the link below:

The event will start on Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 14:00 (GMT+8). 


Beijing Peace Garden Museum: 18 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


flag الصين
عاصمة: Beijing
Region: آسيا والمحيط الهادي

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